Lesson 22 of 34
In Progress

4.3 Smartphone tips and tricks

Steve Punter June 26, 2022

Let’s talk about simple smartphone photography tips.

Your Smartphone usually has a semi decent camera included, and the stock camera app is usually sufficient. What you may find useful is to enable the grid settings. What the grid will do is help you compose your images into the “rule of thirds” where the most important subject matter should be placed on an intersecting line.

Once you have practiced and learned how the rule of thirds works, turn off the grid and just use your eyes to line up the perfect shot. One other happy accident of using the rule of thirds is it leaves you space to put text if you need to!

If you don’t have the eye for photography, there are many free image libraries that are available, let’s look at my favourite 3 starting with Unsplash.com