Lesson 34 of 34
In Progress

6.1 Course conclusion

Steve Punter June 26, 2022

That’s it for the course, I hope you have learned something new and are ready to take on the world creating fantastic, engaging content. The key points here are to create content of value to your audience by sharing knowledge, tips or free stuff. It’s getting your audience to interact with your content – ask questions, ask them to share, ask them to comment (and then reply to their comments) build yourself a community of users that you interact with, and start building that community into a tribe, and that tribe into a family. It’s not always about the hard sell, most of the time it’s taking your audience on a journey, nurturing them through your product or service, and that can sometimes take weeks or months of content. But once your solve their problem and deliver on your promise, you will have a customer for life.

My name is Stephen J Punter, find me on LinkedIn and tell me you liked this course, signing off with a casual fade to black.